Author name: Justin Moran


Do constraints affect new wind farms?

Introduction Our electricity grid was designed to accommodate a small number of fossil-fuel generators around the country. In the 1920s when it was built, this design was sufficient. But now, with hundreds of wind and solar farms generating power, more than a million more people living in the state, and a society that is highly

Do constraints affect new wind farms? Read More »

offshore wind turbines

Floating wind energy on the west coast is a great idea, just one question, where’s my grid?

For anyone working in the Irish wind energy industry the recent political furore over floating wind farms off the coasts of Mayo and Galway has seemed a bit detached from the real world writes Justin Moran. Floating wind energy is a fantastic technology and I believe Ireland can – and should – be a leader

Floating wind energy on the west coast is a great idea, just one question, where’s my grid? Read More »